Monday, 20 October 2008

WEEK 2: 10th October 2008

" He (Carlos) had never had a male friend. 'Who needs them?' he once said to me. 'I've never met anyone who wouldn't cut you dead for a dollar, a job or a cunt'."*

An interesting and enlivening session in which we discussed a code of conduct for the group which centred around respect for others, listening, honesty,the freedom to be mistaken,not to attack others personally but to keep it within the context of feelings, i.e: 'what you said made me feel angry' not 'you make me angry'.

Anne to type up the rules and distribute to the group via e-mail..

Following on from the learning styles questionnaire, we divided into three groups: Practical, Visual and Auditory (depending on which learning style you scored highly on). As a good all-rounder I was encouraged to join a smaller group (the Practical one). We then discussed what learning in a practical manner might entail. Challenging or questioning theories seemed to predominate. The boundaries blurred between all the styles as one would expect. I'm glad I'm a good all-rounder.

We then did a kind of pictogram about who we were and how we saw the world. I confined my pictogram within the context of counselling and what I hoped to achieve from the course. I then shared this with two other members of the group. We all had very different approaches. The other two were much more wide-ranging in their approaches. I think I could do with that. Get some air in the experience. But then there is no right and wrong about this.

Outside of the group, I am reading Love's Executioner by Irwin Yalom*. He strikes me as a very egotistical psychotherapist!

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