Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Week 5: 7th November 2008

An interesting case study that Anne read to us about STAN, whose relationship with his children had deteriorated due to his constant criticism of them, the therapist and indeed the whole world. Using his therapist as a screen, Stan explored his own childhood where he had been unduly criticised by his own parents. He then transferred this destructive behaviour to his own children. The class identified a psychodynamic model of counselling as appropriate for Stan because it would touch upon issues of transference, treatment, relationships, childhood and interpretation.

We then tried to define 'sympathy' and 'empathy'. Though the two seem similar, it was surprisingly hard to distinguish intellectually between the two:

Sympathy .... "a set of circumstances in which one shares in the feelings of another". Penguin dictionary of psychology, 1986 (I'm sure there is now an updated version of this).

"Empathy is often confused with sympathy, compassion, and emotional resonance. Although these are all important aspects of intimate relationships, empathy is somewhat different. Empathy is a hypothesis or educated guess concerning your client's internal state. It is a method of observation that relies on your interpersonal sensitivities and skills, combined with your capacity to think about what you are feeling. You dip into another's experience as best you can using your emotions and imagination, then subject your experiences to conscious consideration in light of your knowledge and training". The Making of a Therapist. Louis Cozolino, Norton 2004

Discussion of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Technique) followed, which seeks change in the client but does not use a psychodynamic approach (which focuses on relationships) but instead deals with the feelings aroused in the client by events or thoughts that the client has.

EG: You walk down the street and you see your neighbour. She ignores you. What could your reaction be? Anger to indifference encompasses a range of instant automatic feelings. In turn, those feelings are governed by your experiences and upbringing. So, if you felt anger, a response might be 'she's so rude!' or the incident might upset you because it puzzles you. What have you done to upset her? If such incidents create undue anxiety then the scientific CBT approach would be to apply Socratic questioning to the incident:

- What is the evidence that your neighbour ignored you?
- What is the evidence that your neighbour likes you/doesn't like you?
- How much do you believe that?
- What's the worst that can happen if she doesn't like you?

Thus the client can recontextualise their experience.

Anne thinks that CBT is useful in treating panic attacks, phobias and depression. It's a buzz word in the NHS becasue it's a bit of a sticking plaster for particular conditions but doubtless useful.

We were encouraged to consider which model of counselling appealed to us. So far I would say person-centred. Simply because it closely echoes my own method of helping which seems to have evolved from giving out advice (often unasked for!) to asking questions which help whoever it is to explore their true feelings on the subject.

We moved onto transactional analysis. This was fascinating because it resembles the relationship frameworks of much written drama. Again quite scientific in its approach, Eric Bern identified the parent, child and adult ego states.

Parent ego state is either nurturing or authoritarian
Child ego state is unadapted (spontaneous) or adapted (cross or sulky)
Adult ego state is negotiating and adapting.

If, in a relationship both are are in the same state then the relationship is complementary.
if both are in different states then the transcactions are crossed and conflict ensues.

Thinking about it, this seems to be tha basis for parenting, in that both parents may assume different parent ego states. One is nurturing, one is authoritarian. Good cop, bad cop, I guess.

Anne asked us to consider whether 'scripts' played a part in our lives. That is to say if parental expectations of us eg:'you're hopeless and will amount to nothing' was something we confounded by working too hard or totally fulfilled and did nothing with our lives.

Finally, we discussed the dramatic triangle. Three points of a triangle marked VICTIM, PERSECUTOR, RESCUER. this was a great way of examining situations of high emotional content and how individuals might swap from one point of the triangle to another.

The Pied Piper Of Hamelin is a good archetypal story that demonstrates this model whilst in recent history, the Cleveland Child Abuse scandal could be interpreted in this way.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

That's the way to do it!

As part of the course we all have to do a five minute presentation demonstrating how the course has affected our lives on a day to day basis, as it were.

As a writer, I am tempted to make a short piece utilising a Punch And Judy Scenario. Punch and Dr Freud perhaps, in which Judy, exasperated with Punch's unreconstructed macho behaviour beats him to a pulp with his own stick and feeds him to the crocodile (sausage first of course). I shall then invite my fellow students to analyse my unconscious motivations in writing the piece.

Monday, 3 November 2008


Hierarchy Of Need:


This week we explored different historical influences on counselling theory starting with Freud.
He developed two main areas of study: Understanding the human mind and treating the human mind. We discussed Freudian models of child development (oral, anal and genital stages) also how the mind is divided into the conscious, subconscious and unconcious. We looked at the id, the ego and the super-ego. The development of the adult state and conscience. The states of mind that affect our every decision. They seem to act in balance with each other (ideally).

Freudian analysis led to other approaches such as the psychodynamic approach and also the person-centred approach as embodied by Carl Rogers. This in turn led to Cognitive Behaviour therapy which is allied to Gestalt therapy(patterns within relationships). We touched upon Maslow's 'Hierarchy Of Need' (See above). This seemed a neat and simple approach, refreshingly free of jargon and user-friendly.

Most interesting to me was Carl Roger's approach. he believed that human beings had a natural instinct to change for the better and be healthy. This may be enabled when the helper set up the right conditions for the client to be helped. So, the client must feel vulnerable and in need of change to alleviate anxiety. The helper must be congruent, warm, empathic and non-judgmental and above all GENUINELY SO. That is, they must not evince these characteristics as 'tools' for the purpose of counselling, they must be these things in real life. This approach appeals me to me very much, being humanistic in ethos.

We then discussed in pairs the different ways in which we might make psychological contact. We identified warmth, good body language, good eye contact etc. Our homework was to read a poem by Carol Ann Duffy and consider how we might make psychological contact with the subject. I think it would be impossible. The subject of this poem would despise the very notion of being counselled.