Friday, 6 March 2009

Friday 6th March 2009: Presentation

Had some very good reading for today's class: all about power and equality and how counselling takes place for 'minorities' ie; lesbian, gay, bisexual, disabled, old, ethnic people and how a counsellor might not be able to counsel effectively if they don't belong to one of these groups. Thinking about it, I'm sure it's possible to extrapolate from my experience as the parent of a disabled child (a sub-division of the disabled people minority) in order to feel empathy for a client from another minority group. We shall see!

Couldn't get in today as the boy had a fever and was sick last night. Gave him the day off today. He is pale but interesting.

Next week is my turn for the presentation. How hard can it be? All I have to keep doing is talk for 5 minutes on a subject of my choice. Not quite sure of the subject yet. Linking it into the essay, I might consider how the roles of counsellor and friend are mutually exclusive...

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