Thursday, 11 June 2009

More on self-awareness: May 8th 2009

I have been remiss in my entries of late. This is a mistake. I look back at my scrawled notes and cannot construct a coherent narrative from them. Memo to self: Blog while memory is fresh.

This week carried on from last week's subject in which the importance of self-awareness was emphasized. This is ongoing and forms an important part of personal development both as a human and as a counsellor. We each had a large sheet of A3 and a marker and were encouraged to draw or write two diagrams or sets of words to delineate those that support us and those that don't. Not just people but activities, hobbies, beliefs etc. We then discussed in pairs what these meant to us. E and I seemed to have a lot of things in common on the support front though things that had the opposite effect (ie: pulled us down) seemed more idiosyncratic.

The triad work this week was myself, V and M discussing our own experiences of counselling, practising specifically UPR and warmth whilst maintaining structure and contact. M had to leave early so it was V and me by the end but a useful role play nonetheless. Our personal narratives during these experiences are becoming less self-conscious and more fluent.

Had a tutorial with A after who was wholehearted in her support for my studying further at Birkbeck, which is most encouraging. Nowt like affirmation!

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