Friday, 19 December 2008

Final post of 2008

We had a very interesting discussion last week about the subject of a forthcoming essay title. Now, personally, I love a good essay. 1500 words? A mere bagatelle. But then I say this as a writer anyway. Slightly different for those who are not used to writing essays and are coming to it fresh, and in some cases, with English as a second language.

The question to be answered was: What are the differences between counselling as a friend and counselling as a 'counsellor'. It seems fairly straightforward. For example, if you have a friend who asks for your advice concerning an aggressive partner, your response might well be; Get a restraining order and LEAVE. As a 'counsellor' I think my approach would be rather more restrained and devoid (as far as possible) of emotion. I think I would ask questions in order to help the 'client' understand why she might stay with an aggressive partner. Is she repeating a pattern of behaviour from earlier relationships or even from childhood? I think what I mean is that good counselling is not necessarily advice as such, but asking pertinent questions and LISTENING.

So, job done! All I have to do is expand that to 1500 words.

No stress then.

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